Talking to Obama Via Google

if I don't read that much, how can I write that much?

Sunday, January 24, 2010

this next one goes out...

.. to a sister of mine, Josie Pernice
a giver with a heart for children. Didn't drive, but she must have crocheted 10,000 miles of yarn in her 63 years. She secretly loved the nickname Hazel and she cleaned house because she enjoyed it. I'm proud to be her friend and brother in the Lord.
her favorite...Bobby Vinton's Blue Velvet

Friday, January 22, 2010

I'm guessing the dog gets put to sleep?

State of the Union

so here searched in Google, thank you creepy Web History.
beginning @2:20 PM EST: the post Obama hate is so fucking dumb
[...imagining that the President is listening or some other choice ears in the Administration]
The Right wing is so good at being bitches and so good at shielding themselves from obviously stupid policies when they are in the Executive
fight back Dems are being pussies
man I would love to hear real numbers about debt and explanation of history in the State of the Union
like some allusions to history regarding economic woes
i would like discussion of the Wars
and do not focus on Haiti but mention it
I understand bringing it together and all that jazz but the Right crazy movement is something that is based on guessing and complaints in our fast paced want everything now society
these people can't deny when the President gives the cold hard numbers of what you have tried
also you have three years but i know it is difficult right now
youyr resolve still must be stronger than ever
like there is no way that supreme court decision is going to be so helpful and really open it up to the people
but thats ok
we'll see what happens and do not underestimate the power of the Internet in General Elections
Obama won the Internet! Brown won the Internet!
Both won the election
Mr President God Bless you and your family
citizens united's agenda is obvious
the decisive viscious agenda that is spawning all this negativity ARE the same ppl that applauded and lauded as the ship went down before their eyes
you have had the worst lead-in in history and now the finger pointing begins
Bullshit!! Stand up with the facts on what you have had to deal with and how you are trying, and curse that Congress with rhetoris because they're fucking this up by twiddling thumbs on that health bill God dammit they can make a public option later
It isn't like it just goes away forever if it is deemed better
what the hell, hands aren't tied
i don't understand where all the government hate comes from
limit government so the private government that is running the country can continue business as usual?
but it is so hard to condemn them when you need that $ to get this economy going
theyre like always the good guys but on paper they are so the Worst Guys
also, please admonish the Congress to do their job, you have free speech too, and if they get picky and retaliate fuck em, and fuck the American ppl for sidelining with blinders on
and by do their job I mean get to employing ppl in the Government bureacracy
and the WPA wasn't a huge success, but doing something like that now would be for maybe data entry of medical records: I'm imaging like the code breakers on type writers. the computers dont have to be super expensive if you tried to make em from old parts. Its GD networking some dinosaurs to do typing
like i know you've got this in the plans
but you have to explain to the American people what the debt projections were, remind them that TARP had nothing to do with your Presidency and that Spending is how recessions are curbed
Are there riots in the street??!!?? NO Fuck NO! Dammit, things aren't that bad and that is because of Social NETs like Food Stamps The middle-class is still diminishing and that is a huge problem, but of course the middle-class feel left out. Somewhere along the way, they forgot that they shoulder most of the tax-burden in a stable Gov. economy
Holy Shit, the "middle-class" is not what it used to be and I wished we'd stop guessing and start working
Cash for clunkers was a good idea and yes the scrap went to CHina
WTF is wrong with that??!!!?? they're not our fucking enemies
when did the American public's conversations get so Fucking stupid??
I understand Government Propoganda, but now we have PRiavte Interest PRopoganda
Good God what is the greater Evil here, who's buying it? and how little does it matter? Perhaps explain to people that the Only reason free enterprise works is COMPETITION
explain how when Wal-Mart continues its all-out barage on buying out distribution plants, this inherently limits competetion FOREVER
Then, when the next Resitant thing occurs, Wal-mart doesn't get blamed because they are TOO Big of an asset
Instead, The NEWS funded by Wal-MArt basically (not exactly true but in the grand scheme yes there are all kinds of trails like this that arent hard to find)
That NEWS blames Congress and the President and the unbelieveably underfunded FDA, which must continuosly fight a general belief in NON-Science
It's the GD Dark Ages or something! The Information Age has become the Uninformed Age because they don't have to think, Its on the TV and It's in a server somewhere, why should I memorize anything...Time to forget with cigs, alcohol, weed, meth, OTC pain pills, and lets not get started on the scripts
I cant believe the job Mr Obama has to do or the job that the many people in his Administartion have ahead with dwindling support and all out constant obstacles to any policy changes for the better
Away from The Corporate Church and towards the role of Government as a Protector made up of the People. They are trying but WTF are all these Sheep planning? Also focus on how great it is that The US is finding NAt GAS and such beyong the Environmental Protected Areas, IE, America is strong in Manufacturing (cause we fucking are) and we are strong in Resource Management. We have GAS and Environmentalism didn't ruin it!!!!! FRacking, don't talk about that that is just dumb!!!! and not a big deal!!!!
Americans need to see that Obama is pro Nat GAS pro American Oil we all want to hear that secretly
please encourage Congress to TAX break or incentives for Solar Panels, personal and business, even large business!! Breaks across the board, but make em really lucrative for the personal individual. Oh Wait Electric Companies and Energy Boards have all kinds of $$$$$ against it!! SHIT!!!!!!!!!!1
Well, do it anyway, not wind focus, Solar Focus. The Sun is going to be out in the next decade....But Wind is directly linked to Rare Earth Metals so I'm worried about the Environemental WindFALL
VAWTs are awesome but man, The SUN is where its at
Germany said so and they don't get that much sun
Think of our chances out WEST
OK, you got ppl on it, but the private interests are very BIG MOney
and you got goofs like Glenn Beck running this nation on Puppies and God
this is Bullshit, but God is great and prayer is real, and love is unconditional, and the opposite of love is indifference
also i understan i dont know the process i am in very open system on this end and i am being liberal, but respectfully concerned
and now to be a good american and look for free entertainment

@3:15 PM: They cry MR. President, solve the probelems that are unsolveable
and do it in a day
bbut, We believed in you in HOPE
But now we believe in nothing, so NO We CAn't when it aint easy peasy smooth sailing
whiny bastards and Evil perpetrated by the minds of few and FED IV to the Minds of MAny
I am a whiny bastard and do-nothing a leech on my family
but there are so many of us waiting to be told what to do
and yet those that lie will claim "we got it" limit that regualtion
Those are the Haves the top %'s and they are investing in America and have been for a long time. and The Money is Bloody and the Investment is a curse
